Background Screening Services

Below you can find a list of all of our checks, grouped in 8 areas with a short description:

New Services

✓ Stay Interview

We objectively conduct a structured discussion with your employees to gain insights towards strengthening your employee’s engagement and enhancing your employer branding strategy.

✓ Exit Interview

We objectively gather and assess those insights about your workplace, culture, and leadership to offer you a sense and understanding of what your organization can improve upon to retain your valuable employees.

✓ Customer Feedback

We objectively conduct customer interview to provide you customer experience insights towards improving your market approach and business development.


✓ Experience

We check the roles and periods of employment mentioned in the CV by directly contacting former employers, usually the HR department.

✓ References/Feedback

We directly contact former employers – direct managers, peers, HR department, or a subordinate to have a more detailed view of the candidate’s professional performances, competencies, and attitudes.

✓ Volunteering

We check the volunteering involvement mentioned in the CV by directly contacting the organizations.


✓ Studies

We check the studies’ periods and specializations by directly contacting the issuing entities and we compare the claimed information from the CV and diplomas with the institution’s records. Copies of the diplomas are required.

✓ Training/Certifications

We check the authenticity of the diplomas acquired during training/courses by requesting direct confirmation from the institutions/organizations. Copies of the certificates are required.


We search for closed and ongoing lawsuits in which the candidate might be involved, related to the professional background, through official databases.

✓ Criminal record

We check the criminal record’s authenticity based on the information provided by the Romanian Police Department. A criminal record is required from the candidate.

✓ Global Sanctions and Watch Lists

We check any professional background record of the candidates through an international database.

✓ Drug Test

Our medical partner tests the presence of illegal drugs, such as Amphetamines, Barbiturates, Benzodiazepines, Cocaine, Cannabis, Methadone, Opioids, Phencyclidine.


✓ Shareholding

We check if the candidate is a shareholder or administrator in Romanian companies registered in official databases.

✓ Registered office on the candidate’s address

We check if the candidate has registered offices of companies at the address mentioned in the documents through official databases.

✓ Professional memberships

We verify the membership and period by directly contacting the professional organization.

Media & Social media

✓ Media presence

We search for the candidate’s online activity and presence (various browsers, forums, blogs, online newspapers, etc.). Results can include aspects relevant to the candidate’s professional profile and information that can harm the candidate’s or a future employer’s image.

✓ Social media activity

We search for the candidate’s activity and social media presence on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc. Results can include mismatches between the information from the candidate’s CV and the profiles and information that can harm the candidate’s or a future employer’s image.

CV Overview

✓ CV Analysis

We assess the resume’s coherence and data integrity by analyzing all the elements and information provided.

✓ Time Gaps

We look for and highlight the time gaps between the candidate’s professional experiences and/or studies.

✓ Overlaps

We look for and highlight the overlaps between the candidate’s professional experiences and/or studies.


✓ ID Card Check

We check the validity period and legal requirements of the candidate’s ID Card.

✓ Credit Report Check

We highlight relevant aspects of the candidate’s credit activity based on the submitted credit report.

✓ Background Checks in Europe

The international checks are different based on location, legislation, and the country’s particularities.

Please feel free to contact us to personalize an international package.

Background Screening

Standard Packages Romania


Employment – last 2 employers
Feedback (5 questions) – last 2 employers
Legal search


Employment – last 2 employers
References (10 questions) – last 2 employers
Studies – last diploma
Legal search
Global Sanctions & Watchlists


Employment – last 3 employers
References (10 questions) – last 3 employers
Studies – last diploma
Trainings and/or certifications –1 diploma
Legal search
Global Sanctions & Watchlists
Registered offices on the candidate’s address
Social media activity


Employment – last 5 employers
References (10 questions) – last 5 employers
Studies – all higher education
Trainings and/or certifications –2 diplomas
Legal search
Global Sanctions & Watchlists
Criminal record check
ID card check
Registered offices on the candidate’s address
Professional Membership
Media presence

* Please feel free to contact us for customized packages.